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Welcome to Wildwood
Co-operative Preschool

The children look forward to coming every day because we encourage them in so many positive ways to express their creativity, have new adventures, and make new friends that they can keep throughout their school years. Our philosophy at the preschool is inclusion for all and we like to instill this in the children at an early age.

Home: Welcome

Our Story

What We’re All About

Wildwood Cooperative Preschool is a non-denominational, non-profit, community project. Our statement of objectives are to:

          * First, provide an on-going, co-operative Preschool for the children of the community, based on early childhood education principles, thus allowing individual children to participate in a program conductive to their social, emotional, intellectual, physical, and creative development.

           * Secondly, by their parents' participation to provide an opportunity for parents to reach a better understanding of children's needs and behaviour.

 We take children from the ages of 3 (as of September 30th) and up and have a variety of sessions to choose from.

Home: About Us

Meet Our One Of A Kind Teacher

Mrs. Mullock

The kids as well as all the parents adore Mrs. Mullock! 

 Mrs. Mullock always greets the children with a sunny smile as they enter the room for their morning of fun activities! She is always ready and eager to hear the children's stories. She takes the time to make sure each child knows that they have been heard and that they are important.  

 Gail  Mullock has a 4 year degree in sociology and psychology. Combine that with 20 years teaching experience and she is well qualified to guide the children in their learning.  She is also an Educational Assistant with special needs students in the afternoon. She is committed to her occupation and her students.

 We feel so lucky to have found Mrs. Mullock to teach our children in a kind, patient and caring way. She loves her job and you can tell by the way she interacts with the children every day. She is able to set limits for the children and yet can still get silly with them when it comes to playing a game, singing, dancing or reading a story. She truly has such a balanced way of teaching the children. Anyone who has the opportunity to watch her teach have nothing but the highest regard for her. 


Gail Mullock

Home: Our Team
Drawing & Coloring


Thinking of enrolling your child? We are offer a variety of options to suit your schedule. 

We offer 2 or 3 mornings per week.

Preschool runs from September thru May.

Classes run from 9:00am-11:30am





Tuition Fees

Two mornings per week = $100.00

Three mornings per week = $125.00

There is a $1.00 yearly membership fee as well as a $39.00 non-refundable registration fee totaling $40.00.

One time fundraising quota of $200 for the year.

If financial assistance is needed, please contact the registrar for subsidy information.


 *We accept applications throughout the year as well, including the summer months.  So if you have just stumbled upon us, please feel free to email us to see if we still have space for your child to join in the fun today!*


Registration for the 2024/2025 school year opens to the public on January 15, 2024.


We will be hosting a registration night on Thursday, February 15th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.


Please email for more information.


Home: Opening Hours
Kids Painting

Wildwood Cooperative - A Day At Preschool

The students learn in a well equipped, bright and colorful classroom. We have a SMARTboard interactive whiteboard that the children get very excited about using at the beginning of the day. The children are given opportunities to develop a variety of skills whether they are using their imagination through make-believe or developing fine motor skills with a craft. Circle time allows the students to learn patience, as well as speaking and listening skills .


There is also plenty of play time in the school gymnasium for some exercise time and at the playground on our sunny days for some fresh air. This allows the children to socialize in an open setting yet still learn the important lessons of listening, taking turns, and including others in game play. A favorite time of the day for all our children!                                  


  Our Preschool has access to the school library. This aids in fostering a love of reading as well as early literacy skills. Each day is full of fun songs, stories, educational activities, music, and crafts. We typically have two parent helper's assisting our teacher on a daily basis to ensure that every child's need is met (depending on enrollment).


  Our children have an excellent balance of structured time and play time to ensure that they are being given goals that  are achievable. We follow the same schedule every day. The children come to learn the routine and this allows them to know what to expect from their day. Children are encouraged to include others as they play, show compassion, and help others in need. They are taught to tidy up after themselves, have patience and be polite to others. All of these lessons are implemented by our teacher in a kind and gentle manner that the children listen and respond well to. Children are asked to make better choices if something goes wrong during the day as she guides them to think of what that choice may be. This encourages them to better handle different social situations.


    Playtime is always the favorite time of day and equally important in developing our little minds. Children are supplied with just about any type of activity they want to play with whether it be a puzzle, play dough, Lego, rice or water table, train table and painting. Dramatic play with a work bench with tools, dress up clothes, dolls with strollers, high chairs, and just about any other toy you can imagine.


 In the past years we were very excited to do a preschool make over! We have updated the entire classroom with new tables, reading corner, circle time area, new play kitchen, dollhouse, spaceship, and so many other new and engaging toys and learning materials. We really encourage families to come in and view what we have to offer. We have put our hearts and many hours into creating a warm and unique classroom for your children to thrive in.

   We also have implemented a new, creative and fun program that prepares our children for handwriting. Whether your child is just learning how to hold a pencil or has the ability to already write, this program offers everything that they need to prepare for Kindergarten.

Home: Our Mission
Colored Pencils

2024-2025 School Year


All of our spots for the 2023/2024 school year are full. Please contact to be added to the waiting list.


Registration for the 2024/2025 school year opens to the public on January 15, 2024.


We will be hosting a registration nights on Thursday, February 15 from 6:30-8:30 pm.


Please email for more information or to register your child for the upcoming school year.

Learn More
Home: Locations

Contact Us

227 Avondale Rd, Saskatoon, SK S7H 5A5, Canada

Classroom number: 306-659-7169 (between (9:00-11:30 Sept-May only)

Thanks for submitting!

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